
英式禁忌2 白慧伤心乳头综合症

英式禁忌2 白慧伤心乳头综合症


The British have a reputation for being reserved and polite, and there are certain things that are considered taboo in polite society. In this article, we will explore some more British taboos that you should be aware of when visiting the UK.

Don't discuss money

Money is a delicate subject in British society, and it's considered impolite to talk about how much money you earn or how much you spent on something. In fact, it's quite common for people to go to great lengths to avoid discussing money altogether. If you're discussing payment with someone, be discreet and avoid discussing numbers. If someone asks you how much something costs, a vague answer such as "it's not too expensive" is generally considered polite.

Don't be too loud

In Britain, a loud or boisterous demeanor is often seen as crass and attention-seeking. Brits tend to be reserved and understated in their behavior, and excessive noise or attention-seeking behavior is considered impolite. This is particularly true in public places such as the library, cinema or theatre. If you're in a public place, be considerate of others and avoid making too much noise.

Don't interrupt others

Interrupting someone mid-sentence is considered rude in Britain. When someone is speaking, it's polite to let them finish before you speak. If you need to interrupt, it's best to apologize and explain why you need to speak. Interrupting someone suggests that you're not interested in what they have to say, which is disrespectful.

Avoid discussing politics or religion

Like money, politics and religion are considered taboo subjects in polite British society. Many people hold strong opinions on these subjects, and discussing them can often lead to heated arguments. It's best to avoid discussions on politics or religion unless you know the person well and are confident that they share your views. If someone brings up these topics, it's best to remain neutral and non-committal.

Don't be late

In British society, punctuality is highly valued. Being late is considered disrespectful to the person you're meeting, and it's often seen as an indication that you don't value their time. If you know you're going to be late, it's important to let the person know as soon as possible and apologize. If you're consistently late, it can be seen as a character flaw, so it's best to make punctuality a priority.


British society has its own set of taboos and traditions, and it's important to be aware of these if you want to make a good impression. Avoid discussing money, politics or religion with strangers, be considerate of others in public places, and always be punctual. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to fitting in with polite British society.



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