
14may18_56endian 黄子韬徐艺洋小鸡啄米


14may18_56endian is a term used to describe the order in which bytes are stored in a computer's memory. The term "endian" comes from the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift, in which two groups of people cannot agree on the correct way to break their boiled eggs. This analogy is used to describe the two types of endianness in computer systems: big-endian and little-endian.


In a big-endian system, the most significant byte is stored first in memory, followed by the least significant byte. This is similar to the way we write numbers, with the most significant digit on the left and the least significant digit on the right. The advantage of big-endian is that it is easier for humans to read and understand the data that is stored in memory. However, big-endian can be slower than little-endian when processing certain types of data.

14may18_56endian 黄子韬徐艺洋小鸡啄米


In a little-endian system, the least significant byte is stored first in memory, followed by the most significant byte. This order of bytes is opposite to the way we write numbers, which can make it more difficult for humans to read and interpret the data. However, little-endian is generally faster than big-endian when processing data because it is easier to perform arithmetic operations on numbers stored in this format.

Applications of Endianness

Endianness plays a significant role in computer architecture and programming. It affects the way data is stored and accessed in memory, which can impact the performance of computer programs. Endianness can also impact the compatibility of data between different computer systems, especially in network communication.

For example, if a big-endian computer sends data to a little-endian computer over a network, the data must be converted to the correct endianness before it can be properly interpreted. This process of converting data between different endianness is known as byte swapping.


Understanding endianness is an important concept in computer science. It affects the way data is stored and accessed in memory, and can impact the performance and compatibility of computer systems. Both big-endian and little-endian have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which to use depends on the specific requirements of the system or application.

As technology continues to evolve, it is important to consider the impact of endianness on computer systems, especially when developing software that must interact with different types of hardware and networks.



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