
英语老师没罩子c一节课 后女军士荣立一等功

English Class Without Ms. Zhaozi

Today, we were shocked when we walked into our English class and saw someone other than our usual teacher, Ms. Zhaozi. The substitute teacher was nice enough, but it was immediately clear that this class would be quite different from what we were used to.

No Structured Lesson Plan

The substitute teacher seemed to be flying by the seat of her pants. There was no structured lesson plan, and she seemed to be making things up as she went along. While some students appreciated the freedom and spontaneity, others struggled to stay focused without clear direction.

Inconsistent Grading

Another issue with having a substitute teacher was the potential inconsistency in grading. Ms. Zhaozi has particular standards and expectations for our work, but the substitute teacher may not have been aware of these. This could lead to confusion and frustration for students who are used to a certain level of rigor.

No Personalization

Ms. Zhaozi is known for her ability to connect with each of her students, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and tailor her teaching to meet their needs. Unfortunately, the substitute teacher had no such familiarity with us and was unable to provide the same personalized attention that we have come to expect.

Lack of Classroom Management

Finally, the absence of Ms. Zhaozi created a lack of classroom management that was noticeable from the moment we walked in. Students were talking loudly, using their phones, and generally not behaving as professionally as they would have with Ms. Zhaozi present. While the substitute teacher tried her best, she was unable to control the class in the same way that Ms. Zhaozi does.

英语老师没罩子c一节课 后女军士荣立一等功


Overall, while we appreciated having someone fill in for Ms. Zhaozi while she was away, it was clear that there is simply no replacement for having an experienced and trusted teacher leading the class. Hopefully, Ms. Zhaozi will return soon, and we can get back to the engaging, structured, and personalized learning that we have come to love in her class.



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