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Recently, a controversial video has been circulating on the internet with the title "Kunkun inserting a peach for free." The video allegedly shows the Chinese singer Kunkun inserting a peach into his mouth in a suggestive manner. The video has sparked outrage among many netizens who have criticized Kunkun's behavior and called for him to apologize. In this article, we will explore the controversy surrounding Kunkun and his alleged involvement in the video.

The Controversy

The video first surfaced on social media platforms such as Weibo and TikTok, where it quickly went viral. Netizens were shocked to see Kunkun inserting a peach into his mouth and making suggestive sounds. Many accused him of promoting inappropriate behavior and setting a bad example for his fans, who are mostly young people.

Kunkun initially denied any involvement in the video, claiming that it was doctored to make it look like he was the one in it. However, later, he issued an apology on social media, saying that he was sorry for any offense that the video had caused and that he would be more careful about his actions in the future. Despite his apology, he faced widespread criticism and condemnation, with many calling for his music to be boycotted.

Kunkun's Response

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Kunkun's apology was met with mixed reactions. Some netizens praised him for taking responsibility and acknowledging his mistake. Others, however, were skeptical of his sincerity and accused him of only apologizing because of the backlash he had received.

In a follow-up post, Kunkun explained that the video was filmed during a gathering with friends and that he never intended for it to be shared publicly. He also emphasized that he did not intend to promote inappropriate behavior and that he would be more careful about his actions and the people he surrounds himself with in the future.

The Larger Issue

The controversy around Kunkun's video highlights a larger issue regarding the responsibility of public figures and celebrities in society. As role models, they have a duty to uphold moral standards and set a positive example for their fans. However, they are also humans who make mistakes, and their private lives may not always reflect the image they portray in public.

It is essential to hold public figures accountable for their actions, but at the same time, we must also recognize that they are not perfect and are capable of learning from their mistakes. Rather than canceling and boycotting them, we should encourage honest dialogue and education, helping them realize the impact their actions have on their fans and society as a whole.


The controversy surrounding Kunkun's alleged involvement in the "peach video" has sparked a heated debate among netizens. While he did issue an apology, the incident highlights a larger issue regarding the responsibility of public figures and the expectations society holds them to. Let us use this opportunity to reflect on how we can better support and educate celebrities, helping them become positive role models for our youth and society as a whole.

